Monday, November 26, 2018

Dreadful Knowledge

Oh, the Oedipus complex. A story recapitulated over centuries and made particularly popular thanks to a simultaneously concerning and endlessly intriguing Freudian interpretation. When Mark Anthony-Turnage’s seminal opera Greek comes to BAM in a bawdy new production next Wed, Dec 5, audiences will experience the infamous story as never before. Greek transposes antihero Oedipus to 1980s Thatcher-era London, where police brutality, social upheaval, and economic crises reign. Based on Steven Berkoff’s play Greek, the opera elevates Oedipal themes of fate, family, escape, love, and the unknown—offering an unexpected and bold conclusion to a tale many assume they know all too well.

To prepare for this reinvented Oedipus, we partnered with illustrator Nathan Gelgud to break down the pivotal themes and moments for audiences both familiar and new to this thought-provoking tale. We predict you’ll have a new outlook on knowing your fate and fortune.

Don’t miss Greek when it comes to BAM Dec 5—9. And don’t forget to check out illustrator Nathan Gelgud’s website and his latest book, A House in the Jungle, recently released by Koyama Press.

1 comment:

  1. This reinvented Oedipus is very cool because it combines both ancient legends and historical persons from not so old story. I am waiting for this spectacular opera with great interest.


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