Monday, September 26, 2016

In Context: Songs of Lear

Poland’s Teatr Piesn Kozla (Song of the Goat Theater) make their BAM debut with this breathtaking song cycle, transforming Shakespeare’s classic into a feverish deluge of polyphonic sound. Context is everything, so get even closer to the production with this curated selection of related articles and videos. After you've attended the show, let us know what you thought by posting in the comments below and on social media using #SongsofLear.

Program Notes

Songs of Lear (PDF)


"A sublime version of the Bard's tragedy, in its purest form" (The List)
A rapturous review of Songs of Lear.

Theatre Review: Songs of Lear (The Scotsman)
From the 2012 Edinburgh Festival.

Some historical context for Shakespear's King Lear
From Columbia University.

Watch & Listen

Teatr Piesn Kozla founder Grzegorz Bral talks in-depth with the BBC (YouTube)

Exploring Scotland's Traditional Music (YouTube)
A behind-the-scenes look at Song of the Goat’s recently-commissioned piece Return to the Voice.

Now your turn...

What did you think? Tell us what's on your mind in the comments below and on social media using #SongsofLear.


  1. It was not as bad as Portrait of myself as my father. I stayed out the show. Barely. There was some good singing, some of the music was melodious. The singers for the most part couldn't act if their life depended on it, the staging was quite silly, and that's the right word. Why did the singers have mics? A musical? The instruments were great.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I left the theater overwhelmed by the quality of the performance - on every level. The acting, even the stage directions, were something most artists can only hope to achieve. I'm grateful to BAM for presenting such outstanding programming.

  2. Absolutely outstanding!
    A One-of-a-kind well-rounded show!!! Feeling blessed for being able to experience such incredible artists and creative team!

  3. Having the opportunity to see a performance like this is why I live in New York. I've never seen, heard, felt anything like it. I only wish I could see it again and again.

  4. I thought it was awful. Horrible acting.

  5. Outstanding. Bravi.

  6. I am very grateful to the composer, the writer, the performers, the financial supporters, and to BAM for bringing us "Songs of Lear."

    "Songs of Lear" is a well-written, powerful, and meaningful piece, performed with expert skill, sensitivity, understanding, and thoughtfulness.

    Wish we could see it again, but the entire program reminded me of how fortunate we are to have such rich experiences.

    Thank you and congratulations to all!

  7. "Song of Lear" is powerful THEATER. It was really pearl in this edition Wave Festival.


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