Thursday, January 16, 2014

In Context: Green Porno

Green Porno runs at the BAM Fisher through January 25. Context is everything, so get even closer to Isabella Rossellini's kinky beasts and bugs in this curated selection of articles, audio, and video related to the show. For those of you who've already seen it, help us keep the conversation going by telling us what you thought below.

Around the Web

Isabella Rossellini on The Leonard Lopate Show (
Why sex in nature? Isabella Rossellini answers that question and many more.

Green Porno Short Films (
Rossellini talks mollusk mating and more in these clips from the TV version of her show.

Isabella Rossellini on Green Porno (The Seattle Times)
Conservation, animals, and motherhood are discussed by Rossellini in this interview.

“Isabella Rossellini Cheers Diversity In New Show” (
Rossellini discusses the survival of the fittest, being fascinated by vegetables, and more.

Bugging Out: A Chat with Isabella Rosselini (
The actress, who is currently pursuing a graduate degree in animal behavior, talks Green Porno.

Profile of Jean-Claude Carrière (The Guardian)
The Green Porno co-writer famously adapted the Hindu Mahabharata into a 9-hour stage production for Peter Brook.

Green Porno Quiz (
What kind of Green Porno star are you?

The actor expounds on animal genitalia and more. 

Rossellini settles exactly what it is that happens to the male praying mantis' head during sex.

Worthwhile Words

Isabella Rossellini on animals:
It’s a mystery how [animals] perceive the world. My greatest wish would be to be a dog for one day, just to see things from that perspective. Sometimes you feel a great empathy with animals and now with all the research being done on genetics we’ve found out that we share a lot of genes. I do believe that animals have emotions and I think their emotions are similar to ours. But this is not a scientific belief. This is an Isabella-belief.

Now Your Turn...

So what's your verdict? Do you feel thoroughly schooled in animal erotics? Will you ever look at bedbug genitalia the same way ever again? Once you've seen the show, tell us what you thought in the comments below.


  1. I was disappointed by Green Porno. I am a very big fan of the films and was hoping to see something closer to that. It was funny and she is very sweet and cute, but I expected more, especially for the price paid for it. I'm unhappy with this BAM experience, but that's a first. I took my friend for her birthday, and she had never seen the series and in that case one can find it more interesting, to see those videos for the first time, she said the show was "cute"...

    1. Hi there, we're very sorry the show wasn't what you expected. Could you email us at info [at] BAM [dot] org so we can further address this over email? Thank you!

  2. I agree. I feel misled by BAM. It was inferred that we would be seeing a live version of Green Porno. The reason I booked in advance and paid such a steep price was largely because i expected to have the live experience. As it was, the show relied very heavily on simply showing the videos we have already seen. Ms Rossellini read from a script displaying a minimum effort on the part of the production. Not good enough. Despite Ms Rossellini's droll humour and warmth, the show was a cynical exercise. I didn't expect this from BAM.

  3. BAM, why did you remove my criticism of this show?

    1. Hi Daniel, your comment wasn't deleted, but seems to have been flagged as spam for some reason—thanks for bringing it to our attention. We appreciate your feedback, and are very sorry you felt misled. We'll be contacting you over email today to further address your concerns.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Have to agree with the other posters. As much as I love Rosselini, there wasn't much production value and the cost of the ticket was high, given what was delivered.

  5. My friends and I agree with the above comments. My ticket said "$120" on it. Is that what I paid back when I ordered my spring subscription? Yikes. Really not worth that price.

  6. One more thing, since you asked. I teach marine biology, and I think I counted 5-6 erroneous things that Isabella said. Some might have been language-related. For example, she said when we eat calamari, we're eating cuttlefish. I'm pretty sure we're actually eating squid.

  7. An inoffensive but pointless trifle. Not terrible but hardly worth the price and the journey.

  8. Unfortunately, I too agree with the above comments. Ms. Rossellini is certainly warm and friendly, and the subject matter was intriguing, but the production values were minimal. It was a lecture, and as such, the price was quite inappropiate. There were many instances where Ms. Rossellini forgot what was coming next and had to take a moment to go back to the podium, turn pages and find her place. If that had been anyone else, someone without a name as hers, someone who is not a celebrity, BAM would have thought it inexcusable and rightly so.

  9. Fantastic, Funny, Inspiring, What a great evening we had. To some of the other posters, were you there for enjoyment or an academic class? I suggest that you give a talk in Italian and let us see if you do not make some errors. It was a little expensive but worth every dollar.

  10. I too agree with the posters above--i liked it, but it was not even close to being worth $120. Her performance seemed a little off at points. As someone pointed out above, it was billed as a live performance of green porno, but was really just a quirky lecture with films that I could have watched at home. This is the first performance I have seen at BAM and will probably be my last.

  11. I was enormously excited about this. I emailed a co-worker who I convinced to come with me. I even had to preface it with "I know it's should be amazing. Day Glo costumes!" I feel like based on the description, the show seemed like it would be Isabella acting out her facts simliarly to the way she did in her short films. I hardly expected to sit there and watch the films on a screen as I have already done online. To sit through a lecture on marine biology was hardly what I paid for and frankly, I'm in awe that BAM would consider this a high standard, worth a $120 ticket. I do agree that if Ms. Rossellini had not been in this play, BAM may not have been able to allow such a show at that price to exist. And knowing that rush tickets were available just before the show at $30 a piece actually frustrates me because that means I paid an extra $90 and yet we all had the same disappointing experience.

    1. Hi there, we're very sorry the show wasn't what you expected. We appreciate your feedback, and would like to address your concerns further. Please fill out our contact form so our marketing department can be in touch: Thank you!

  12. I agree with the sentiments of the other people who have posted comments here. This was an expensive ticket and I expected more. For me, it came across as lecture with cute film bits, and was not the visually stimulating, full-blown work of performance art I was expecting. The only thing that might have ameliorated my feelings would have been a lower ticket price. I cynically concluded that we were paying for Ms. Rossellini’s star power.
    The show did have a redeeming quality which was the fascinating information about sex Ms. Rossellini delivered. She clearly had done (most?) of her homework, and I am glad I attended for this reason. It might have been nice if there had been a catalogue for sale so we could have something to help us remember the details.


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