Wednesday, October 30, 2013

BAM Blog Questionnaire: Lindsey Jones and Sarah Stanley of Dance Heginbotham

by Lauren Morrow

Sarah Stanley on the tension grid (photo: Stephanie Berger)

Dance Heginbotham makes its BAM debut this week with Dark Theater. In this BBQ, I spoke with dancers Lindsey Jones and Sarah Stanley about working with John Heginbotham, their favorite Fort Greene eats, and what they’ll be wearing to the BAM Halloween Happy Hour at the BAM Fisher on Thur, Oct 31.

How has the Dark Theater experience been different from that of other works John has created for the company?

Lindsey Jones: Dark Theater is site-specific to the Fisher and uses the complete black box architecture as a stage for the work. The stage is in the center of the audience, below, and also above! There are so many contrasting layers to this piece, and John is allowing numerous sources and inspirations to manifest in Dark Theater.

Sarah Stanley: This is only my second project with John, but it feels like there is more fantasy in Dark Theater than his other work. He has created a very specific world in the BAM Fisher, really taking advantage of the flexibility of the space, and it is made all the more surreal by Maile Okamura's amazing costumes. 

Sarah, you dance on the tension grid in this show. What was your initial reaction when you were told this, and how do you feel about it now?

I was very excited about the grid when I heard about it.  I like climbing around on things, and it feels like a kind of playground sometimes. I have really enjoyed creeping around up there and interacting with the other dancers from a different plane, stretching the performance space.

Lindsey Jones
What's your favorite thing so far about performing at BAM?

LJ: My favorite part about performing at BAM... is performing at BAM! It's such an incredible feeling to be a part of the Next Wave Festival with all the other amazing artists!

SS: Definitely the roof terrace at BAM Fisher!  It's beautiful up there. 

Which artist do you admire from a field other than your own?

LJ: I love watching the films of Japanese animator, Hayao Miyazaki. The worlds he creates are so whimsical and full of surprise!

SS: I admire a lot of artists, but ever since this year's VMAs I have been especially impressed with Lady Gaga and the flavor and energy she brings to pop culture. She is ballsy in the best way.

What's the biggest risk you've taken?

SS: I don't know what the biggest risk I have taken is, but one of the biggest has to have been my decision to become a dancer.

LJ: Yes, just being a dancer has innate risks. Everyday there are great physical risks in rehearsals and performances, as well as emotional risks and financial risks. Somehow the satisfaction of dancing and performing always prevails over these risks for me.

Do you have any favorite Fort Greene restaurants that you look forward to when rehearsing in the area/performing at BAM?

LJ: I do love The General Greene!

SS: Mullane's. We’ve hung out there a few times after rehearsal. I love their fried pickles.

What ritual or superstition do you have on performance days?

LJ: My rituals look like a long, somewhat delicately timed, to-do list. Mostly as long as I can take class and have ample time to pluck my eyebrows and floss my teeth before hopping on stage, I'm good to go!

SS: I don't really have any rituals. I just like to listen to good music and get funky. 

The show is taking place over Halloween. What do you plan on being this year?

LJ: A backpack.

SS: Marceline the Vampire Queen!

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