Thursday, September 22, 2011

Ad Preview: BAM And Then It Hits You

Roxann, actor and Bed Stuy resident. Original performance photo by Jack Vartoogian/FrontRowPhotos
We've all had it happen. Not necessarily in the middle of 7th Avenue. And not necessarily involving chalk-chested Japanese Butoh dancers. But we’ve all had a BAM or other cultural moment come home to roost in the unlikeliest of places. You always think they've been put to bed with that beer after the show, but no; the good ones—and the bad ones, so bad they're good—always find a way back in.

That's the idea behind our upcoming ad campaign, revealed here in a special sneak preview for the BAM blog faithful. (The unfaithful can see them in a few weeks in the subway and at Atlantic Terminal.) As you can tell, the ads are based around actual surveillance photographs taken of bonafide BAM audience members, fans, and employees at the very moment they are seized by their irrepressible BAM memories. We think that they provide unambiguous evidence that BAM moments can happen anywhere, and to any of us at any time. Crosswalks, baseball fields, subway cars—the ghosts of BAM past don’t discriminate.

That said, if a BAM moment happens to you, we suggest just going with it. Dodge the oncoming taxi, by all means. But forget about that runner rounding third (see below), because chances are you had another BAM moment when The Natural screened at BAMcinĂ©matek in 2009 and your next at-bat will be a doozy.

Let us know what you think. And check out this recent New York Times feature on the campaign for more on the nuts and bolts.

Surely Cristian's team will forgive him. We think Sierra in the outfield will. Images from Crank Balls by Devin Bell

Annie, BAMcinĂ©matek loyalist. Original performance photo by Jack Vartoogian/FrontRowPhotos

Abby, student at Oberlin. Original performance photo by Stephanie Berger Photography

Daryl, jazz musician and BAM Ticket Services team member. Original performance photo by Julieta Cervantes


  1. Happy Birthday

  2. Dear BAM,

    I am EXTREMELY critical when it comes to print advertising, but as far as this campaign in concerned, all I can say is wow. I was literally stopped still when I saw the ads up in the Atlantic Avenue Station.

    Thanks for hitting me yet again!

    Howard Solomon

  3. The benefit of enlisting an in-house advertising designer or contracting an advertising office is that you get what it takes of individuals who have been prepared in making viable advertisements.""


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